Low Latency Workshop

880.00 € 880.0 EUR
Practical, hands-on, interactive

The workshop aims to familiarize participants with the various latency aspects in different access networks, and to provide insight into the techniques available to reduce this latency. (e.g. L4S) Additionally, attention is given to how this latency can be measured in a laboratory environment. Through hands-on activities in the lab, participants have the opportunity to gain practical experience and apply theory to practice.

You'll learn:

Why is latency important?

For years, network focus centered on throughput, but increasing it often doesn't benefit many applications. Customers often find their current current internet subscription's throughput is adequate, leading operators to differentiate services in other ways.

As internet services expand, latency—not throughput—proves crucial for customer experience. Applications like online gaming, VoIP, cloud services, and remote machinery control rely heavily on low latencies for optimal performance.

Root causes of latency

Queueing delay by buffering is one of the major reasons, but why are these buffers needed? What is the impact of removing them? Some reasons are also network technology specific. We will cover different access network technologies and their implications on latency:

·      Wi-Fi

·      PON

·      HFC

·      Satellite and Starlink

·      Cellular networks

Measuring and comparing latency

As the finishing touch, get ready to dive into measuring and interpreting latency results.

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Date & Time
Thursday, October 3, 2024
9:00 AM 5:00 PM (Europe/Brussels)




Phone: +32 9 269 22 91

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